Several times each month “TAKE 10 with DL Havlin” podcast will bring you the history, people and culture o America’s South.
Hey! I was on the Florida Writer Podcast and had so much fun being interviewed by Alison Nissen for the Florida Writers Association. Enjoy our conversation as we chat about history and mysteries!
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Florida Writer Podcast host Alison Nissen chats with historical mystery author DL Havlin about how he leads his audience on a journey with breadcrumbs to create his plot–beginning with the ending and working backward.
DL Havlin is an unretired businessman who has traveled a large portion of the world, having
visited over 100 countries. In his travels, he has discovered that humans have very similar appearances, but their cultures make them as distinct as visitors from another planet.
He’s been writing for 30+ years. DL writes historical, literary, women’s mainstream, and suspense/mystery novels. He has ten books published. The latest is “The Grave With Greener Grass”, following “Turtle Point” and “Out Of Italy”, the Iron Lady mystery/suspense series.
SW Florida News with Angelina Assanti