September on Echo Creek

September on Echo Creek

ASept on Echo Creek character driven novel, September on Echo Creek tells how an affluent socialite is confronted by her conscience and life style in this story of cultural clash and betrayal. During a thirty-day period she is forced to accept that her future is threatened by those who profess love for her, not an acknowledged adversary. With the help of friends, old and new, Gaylynn faces redefining who she is—and survives an attempt on her life.

Winner Promoting Outstanding Writers Best Literary Fiction ms
Winner Knoxville News-Women’s Mainstream Book of the Month.
$21.95     ISBN: 978-0-9666942-4-6

Amazon Top Customer Reviews:

5.0 out of 5 stars
Echo Creek will reverberate in your mind long after the book is finished. By Nancy Buscher 
Format: Paperback
The tale is about a young, affluent career woman trying to make her way in spite of a controlling mother and a manipulative and conniving fiance. She is coerced into taking a few weeks away from everyone she knows and loves, and must tell no one where she has gone. The experience, however, gives her a whole new perspective on who she is and what she wants in life. The story absolutely holds your attention as it progresses page by page to a thrilling and surprising climax.


5.0 out of 5 stars
Format: Paperback
Name: Pat Hergert
Comment: Mr. Havlin, I purchased your book “September on Echo Creek” at Craig’ RV Park at a bluegrass festival. Loved the story…have read it 3 times. I had our church friends book club read and discuss it this month. Everyone really enjoyed it and we had one of the best discussions of all winter. So glad to find other books from your prolific mind and will be ordering them soon. Thank you for giving us so much reading pleasure. Pat